Message To Christians


After my angel brought the message to Mary, she left Nazareth and went to her relatives, Zachariah and Elisabeth.
She was there helping Elisabeth in her household and praying constantly so that she developed a deep relationship with me.
She needed so much encouragement in this new situation.
The signs of her pregnancy became every day more and more visible.
A similar situation repeated, as in the family of Abraham, and Mary had to leave the house of Zachariah and return to Nazareth.
This was not in my plan.
She should have stayed there for long time and her child should have had a proper education.
The return to Nazareth created a family and village drama.

Soon her family members and Joseph's relatives noticed the changes in Mary. They pushed Joseph to break his engagement with her and according to their tradition (not my tradition) she should be stoned.
I didn't want to lose my daughter and her child.
I became desperate in my heart. The new Adam who I was waiting for, for many thousands of years, would be easily destroyed, because of such a cruel tradition.
I sent my angel to Joseph many times, in order to convince him to accept Mary as his wife and save their lives.
In that moment, Mary became my hero.
She kept it a secret about the biological father of her child, but she had to make many compromises with her husband.
The result was that Jesus didn't have any love from his parents and I had to take care of him directly.
Everybody in the small village told him that Joseph was not his real father.
His mother consoled him saying that he was my child, but he had to keep it secret.
This is why, all his life, Jesus always called me Father, not God.
His desire to meet me was so great that I personally educated him with my truth and love.
Already at the age of 12 years, he had more knowledge about me than all the Jewish theologians of that time.
Such conviction and faith were so strong that he could easily do extraordinary things, like walking on water or healing people.
However, that was not his main mission.
His main mission was to heal people's hearts, to educate them, not according to the human laws and traditions, but according to my laws, to my thoughts, to my original love.
He was my only hope.
I wanted to give him a beautiful and good wife, to have a good life and to build my Kingdom on Earth starting from the Jewish nation and expand it all over the world.
Where did the idea come from, that I wanted him to be crucified?
How could anyone think that?
Why do you want to make me a cruel God according to your Holy Scriptures? Such ideas come not from me, but from your father the devil.
He is continuously influencing your mind in order to keep you away from God, who might be frustrated or upset, because you don’t listen.
I'm still your original Father.
I want to free you from such wrong ideas, so you can come freely to me as Jesus did. Learn from him instead of worshipping him and doing the opposite.
Stop those stupid competitions between religions, that are causing so many tragedies.
You are all my children.
I love you all in the same way, even if you perceive it according to the development of your heart.
Please understand my feelings and you will become like me, in my true image.
Work on it.
Together we will be victorious in constructing my Kingdom on Earth.