Message To Christians


The Coming of the Lord represented the most important event of human history. It was a new beginning. I wanted to liberate my children from the chains of Satan and especially from their ignorance about me. The time was near for humanity to find their true dignity. I was excited and full of hope. During the time when the Jewish people were reconstructing the temple in Jerusalem and preparing themselves for the coming of the Messiah, I started to look around the world at the big civilizations to find prophets who could bring new light to their religions and to their countries. Confucius, Buddha and Socrates (and many others) became my champions.
Their ideas became like yeast that grew and brought big changes and prepared their people to accept the basic ideas of my Kingdom preached by Jesus.
The Hellenistic civilization stimulated all fields of science and thoughts, and made a better life for all people around the Mediterranean Sea.
The Roman Empire made good laws for governing, roads for travel and accepted the Greek language as an international language. What I really liked about the Romans was their tolerance for foreign religions. That quality of heart could become the base to accept my future Kingdom.

Everything was ready. The promised Christ could come in the midst of my chosen people. Many Jews were waiting with great expectations. Mary had the qualification to give birth and take care of Jesus, but I was very surprised when their relatives decided to engage her to Joseph. It was not in my plan. She was still a teenager, so young and beautiful in her heart. I had to intervene quickly. I sent her an angel with the clear message about my Will. She accepted it, left Nazareth and went to their old cousins, the High Priest, Zachariah and his wife Elisabeth.
To make such a miracle happen, I needed extra faith from the people directly involved.
My ways are often unusual ways of doing things. This is why I asked many central figures of my dispensation to do things beyond human logic.
Training them was difficult. They were often persecuted, because they had to do my Will and not their will, to think as I think and not as the majority of people think. They had to say my words, often uncomfortable words for others to hear and at the risk of their lives. The words were not what the others wanted to hear. They had to do things that other people were afraid to do. They had to separate from the way Satan was leading his Kingdom.
This is why those people are so few.
However, as we will see, some of them, even though I trained them for many years, could not resist the pressures of society, and gave up my original plan in their mission. They limited themselves working in a marginal way and sometimes even becoming an obstacle for the realization of my plan. Today as in the past I need each one of you. You can decide to make a better world together with me or to continue to live in a routine way. Don't worry. I will not judge you. You will just miss the chance to become my heroes. Just try.