Message For FFWPU


Beloved Children
I love so much you. The time has come to speak openly with you. Many times, in the past I said: “The Truth shall make you free”. Who of you feels that you are free? You know the Universal Principle, but you are not yet free. Why? Because you are not yet one with me.
 Only if you are one with me, you can completely understand my view point. Only through me can you overcome the first fallen nature. Do you remember which is it? “Leaving my view point”. Only if you become one with me, can you clearly know my view point, because my mind and your mind will become one. My feeling and your feeling will become one. My heart and your heart will become one. And you can see as I see.

When Adam and Eve thought that their eyes could be open, in reality they closed their eyes to me, to the Truth. And they became spiritually blind. After the Fall, I tried to help them: to take responsibility for their actions, but they didn’t understand my heart.
“Adam! why did you eat of the fruit? Eve gave it to me”. "Eve! Why did you eat the fruit? Lucifer gave it to me”. "Lucifer, did you give the fruit to my children? Yes, I did”.
Adam delegated his responsibility to Eve and Eve to Lucifer. Lucifer took responsibility for the Fall and he became the owner. Therefore, Lucifer became the owner and the king of this world.
Dear Children. I’m waiting for you. You know what to do. Do not continue to delegate your responsibility to others. Take your life in your own hands. Become True Parents. Become the Fourth Adam. Take responsibility for the world as did my sons Jesus and Sun Myung Moon. They were not Supermen. They reached the position of True Parents by striving inch by inch and day by day.
The Blessing does not save you. The Blessing opens the way to become saved. You must be victorious in your salvation day by day. And then you can become the savior of your tribe, the savior of your nation and the savior of this World.  
And then this world will become one. One in peace. One in love and finally…. One family with me.