Mensajes a la FFPUM


Dear Son

What is the difference between you and the True Parents? Outwardly there is no difference. They were conceived and born like all of you. They eat, drink, sleep like all of you. You have been a few months near them. You have been able to observe them very well in their daily lives. You went to make shopping with them and together with your colleagues of the IIPC. What was different in their lives from the lives of many of you? What have you noticed in a particular way?
The difference between them and you is the level of heart that they have achieved thanks to the continuous relationship with Me. This is what they have different.
They always received you with a smile. They have treated you like princes and princesses. You sang your best songs for them.
They offered you the most delicious food and shared with you the most intimate moments.

In New York you were worried that the money for your daily needs was not enough. Have you ever missed something? I do not let myself be outdone in generosity. Whenever you needed something, they gave you plenty of money. Is that not true? Did you ever feel that they criticized other people? Never. 

At that time, there were various difficult situations. He never criticized. Indeed he never wanted to get into this argument. And every time members made some mistake, he took responsibility as if it was the Father himself who made the mistakes. This is true love. The love that he learned from me. You have followed the True Parents. What have you learned? You are doing many Korean bows according to the custom, but do you really respect them? You honored them with words and gestures, but what have you learned from them? Why did I send them?

The main purpose is to show you the way, to join in my bloodline and achieve the same level of heart and dedication that they have practiced in their life.
Will you achieve this? I tell you, if you show the same dedication as they did, you can do greater things than them, because the door is open. Stop complaining and speaking of others, even of those who seem to be criminals. Is your merit that you were born and educated in privileged nations? This is only the result of the sacrifices of your ancestors. Do you think I blessed these nations financially to become selfish and think that everything belongs to them? Instead of sharing with those less fortunate, you prefer to throw away so much food and let your neighbors starve.

All living beings are my children created by me. You are brothers and sisters. There is no distinction of color, race or nation.
Often you have religious bias. Why do you call yourselves Unificationist, if you do not live the message of Christ? You are looking with horror at what is happening in the Middle East.
Have you forgotten the religious wars which your ancestors made in my name until a few years ago?
You know the message of Jesus. You have met Sun Myung Moon in person. I want you to be messengers of peace. Not a selfish peace, but altruistic. Not messengers of a religion, but my messengers. You have to talk about me. Tell everyone that they are my children. I'm looking forward to meeting them. Let them open their hearts.
My Kingdom begins inside their soul. Every time you do good to one who does not deserve it, I feel it was done for me.
Tell them all these things and do the same. If you do the opposite of what you tell others to do, our dreams of a better world will remain only dreams and unfortunately I will have to look for others who will replace you.
Often you talk about love, but there is no love without justice.
You talk about a universal family. How can you achieve it, if you do not overcome the resentments towards your neighbor?
Please be brave, go ahead. I am and will always be with you. To take care of 7 billion people, it is not a joke. I need you and your perseverance.